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Herbal Tea Benefits: 9 Essential Health-Boosting Herbal Teas

Herbal Tea Benefits: 9 Essential Health-Boosting Herbal Teas

Herbal tea benefits: Get to know these 9 teas and how they can boost your health

Herbal teas are a delicious and easy way to increase your hydration and improve your health at the same time.

With so many to choose from, there is an herbal tea for every ailment – from stress and anxiety to digestive issues.

Here are our 10 favorite herbal teas, as well as everything you need to know about herbal tea health benefits. Use this list to build your personal tea collection, if you don’t have one already!

Herbal tea benefits


According to studies the American Heart Association conducted, consuming hibiscus tea can lower blood pressure in hypertensive adults. Rich in Vitamin C, it can also strengthen the immune system and protect the body against cell-damaging free radicals, thanks to its high antioxidant content.


Mint tea, especially peppermint tea, can help alleviate a slew of digestive issues. From bloating, constipation and stomach gas to help easing nausea and vomiting, there is archeological evidence that people have used peppermint tea as medicine for more than 10,000 years.

In addition to aiding digestion, mint tea contains a menthol that studies show can act as a muscle relaxant, and can also help with sinus relief, concentration, and weight loss.


Chamomile tea has nerve-soothing and sedative properties and is a perfect tea for anyone struggling with stress or anxiety. For centuries, people have used chamomile tea to soothe crying babies, ease tension, and help with migraines and insomnia.

Additionally, studies show that chamomile tea is good for your heart. It contains antiplatelet-clumping properties, which reduces the chance of a blood clot.

For an especially delicious and healing drink, top one cup of hot, brewed camomile tea with some milk and local, raw honey.

Quick tip: Learn about other great drinks for hydration in our downloadable rehydration guide. You discover practical tips on creating a personalized hydration routine.

Get the free guide: How to Rehydrate


The U.S. Department of Agriculture has studies rooibos tea and found that it is capable of reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, premature aging and other serious health issues and diseases.

Rooibos is a fruity, sweet tea that contains polyphenols that have anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Studies show that it can help reduce blood pressure, as well as reduce your chances of developing conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis thanks to its calcium and magnesium content.

Rooibos also contains aspalathin, which can help balance blood sugar and improve insulin resistance and glucose absorption.


Sometimes touted as the “wonder herb,” green tea boasts a slew of health benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties.

First brewed in China around 2737 BC, people in many cultures throughout Asia have relied upon green tea for its physical and mental health benefits for centuries. In recent years, research has validated its longstanding reputation for enhancing overall health and wellness.

Its ability to increase mental focus and energy while calming and relaxing at the same time makes it unique. Additionally, many studies show that green tea prevents skin damage and cancer, aids in the burning of body fat, improves bone health, improves insulin activity and more.

With literally thousands of varieties to choose from, there is one for every taste preference.

Lemon Balm

A member of the mint family, lemon balm is a calming herb that people have used since the Middle Ages to reduce stress and anxiety and ease discomfort and pain from indigestion. Even before the Middle Ages, research shows that people would steep lemon balm in wine to lift the spirits, heal wounds and treat everything from insect bites to other skin irritations.

Several studies show that lemon balm, combined with calming herbs, can help reduce anxiety and promote sleep.

Raspberry Leaf

Raspberry leaf tea is especially beneficial for women, as it helps balance hormones, ease cramps and promote fertility. Pregnant women have used raspberry leaf tea for centuries as a uterine relaxant, as well as to help with morning sickness.

Raspberry leaf tea is also high in Vitamin C, which makes it a great choice if you are sick or trying to ward off a cold.


Studies show that oolong tea activates enzymes that cut down triglycerides, a type of fat found in the blood. Consuming oolong tea can help your body burn a slightly larger amount of fat. If you are trying to reach a weight loss goal, oolong tea may help you reach it quicker.


Nettle is an invasive plant that people have used medicinally since at least 3 B.C. A powerful herbal tea, people most commonly use nettle tea to treat osteoarthritis, allergies and hay fever. A study at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine found that 58 percent of participants who were given freeze-dried nettles for the treatment of hay fever experienced a reduction in symptoms.

Additionally, nettle tea is a diuretic, and helpful for people suffering from constipation.


Although when we think of roses we most often think of flower arrangements, they actually provide some powerful health benefits when infused in water or ingested as a tea. Packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants, rosehip tea is immune-boosting and can help us ward off disease, free radicals, and – some studies suggest – weight gain.

Studies show that rosehip tea is also a significant source of lycopene, an antioxidant that is also prevalent in tomatoes. it is linked with a reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.

Which are your favorite go-to teas and herbal tea health benefits? Any teas you would add to our list?

We would love to hear! Let us know on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.

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